First Aid Supplies

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Our comprehensive selection of first aid supplies can help you deal with everything from headaches to workplace injuries. By having the right supplies on hand, you can respond more quickly and effectively in the workplace.

First Aid Cabinet Inspection 2023

We provide standardized and customizable cabinets and products as part of our first aid service, enabling you to customize your program to suit your business's specific requirements. Our innovative service and pricing methodology ensures that your cabinets are always well-stocked without straining your budget.

First Aid Cabinet Eyewash 2023

How The Service Works

  • Onsite assessment: determine the number of cabinets and location.
  • Product selection: based on your hazards, as well as to meet ANSI/OSHA standards.
  • Monthly service: restocking product, inspecting expiration dates, ANSI/OSHA requirements. cleaning and organizing cabinets.
  • Documentation: written and digital service documentation.
  • Invoicing: Multiple payment and billing options.
  • Ongoing support: 24/7 customer service and account access.
Instruments WEB Landscape


  • First Aid Cabinets
  • Bandages
  • Tapes, Wraps and Gauze
  • Ointments
  • Eye Care
  • Mobile Kits
  • Over the counter medicine
  • Burn Care
  • Emergency
  • Instruments


Navigating safety regulations can be complex and time consuming. Simplify your safety program while improving your regulatory compliance. Our Service will help you meet the OSHA/ANSI first aid requirements for first aid in your workplace.

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