New Fire Extinguishers

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Your fire extinguishers are often the first line of defense if a fire breaks out at your facility. Fire extinguishers can mean the difference between a small, contained fire and a large, devastating blaze.

Service Rep Inspecting a Fire Extinguisher

Thompson Safety understands that having inspected, properly maintained fire extinguishers and related equipment on hand is a must for any business or industrial facility.

Whether you need new or refurbished fire extinguishers, fire extinguisher accessories, or related items like exit and emergency lights, we are your go-to source for all things fire safety.

Our highly trained technicians can help with the installation of your new extinguishers and equipment, and we can also help you stay up to code with routine inspections and maintenance.

Here’s a list of what we offer. If you don’t see something you need, just ask!

Fire Extinguishers & Fire Extinguisher Accessories

Thompson’s expert technicians install a variety of new and refurbished fire extinguishers. We can also help you choose the fire extinguishers that would work best for the fire hazard your facility is most likely to encounter.

New & Refurbished Fire Extinguishers:

  • ABC Dry Chemical Fire Extinguishers (Most Common)
  • BC Dry Chemical
  • Class K Kitchen Fire Extinguishers
  • Class D Metal Fire Extinguishers
  • Water Pressure Fire Extinguishers
  • Water Mist Fire Extinguishers (MRI Room Rated)
  • Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Fire Extinguishers
  • Halon Fire Extinguishers
  • Halotron Fire Extinguishers
  • FE-36 & HFC Clean Agent Fire Extinguishers

We can also assist you with fire extinguisher accessories, such as the following:

  • New Fire Extinguisher Cabinets
  • New Fire Extinguisher Brackets & Hangers (Wall mount, Strap Brackets & Heavy-Duty Vehicle Brackets)
  • Fire Extinguisher Signs & Arrows

DISCLAIMER: The content provided on this website is intended solely for informational purposes. While Thompson Safety strives to offer reliable and accurate information, we shall not be held liable for any errors or omissions in the featured content. The material presented does not constitute professional advice. Users relying on this information pertaining to our products or services are solely responsible for independently verifying the accuracy of the information from trustworthy sources, including the product manufacturer, business policy/procedures, NFPA, and their local Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). Our service offerings may vary by market, and not all services are available in all markets.

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