Fire Extinguisher Services

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The proper functioning of your fire extinguishers during an emergency is a crucial aspect of your safety program. Our monthly service helps you ensure compliance with NFPA 10 regulations, freeing up your valuable time to concentrate on your business operations.

First Extinguisher Hand Off Back of Truck

We provide a comprehensive service that entails both monthly visual inspections and annual functional inspections. This way, you can be assured that your fire extinguisher will work effectively when it's needed the most. Our billing and reporting process is designed with simplicity in mind making it easier for you to understand your invoicing and budget.

Fire Extinguisher Services

At Thompson Safety, we know that nothing is more important to you than the safety of your customers, staff members, and facility. Our job is to help provide you with just that.

Thompson Safety helps businesses and organizations with fire extinguisher testing, inspection, maintenance, repairs, and replacement to ensure your facility’s compliance.

Not only can we service and inspect your fire extinguishers, we also offer a wide range of new fire extinguishers and equipment for any type of business need.

NFPA 10 requires that fire extinguishers must be serviced annually. This is enforced by local fire marshals, OSHA inspectors, and insurance companies.

We can help you meet those requirements. To save you the hassle and keep you code compliant, we can perform the needed services and send the necessary reports to your local fire prevention departments and/or your insurance company.

How The Service Works

  • Facility Walkthrough: Onsite assessment to determine the number of fire extinguishers required based on the square footage and specific hazards
  • Product Selection: Selecting the appropriate type of extinguisher and placement
  • Inspections: Based on the facility walkthrough we determine the appropriate service/maintenance program to continue or bring your equipment up to code
  • Service Interval: Establish the appropriate service frequency, which will depend on the specific equipment being maintained and local requirements
  • Documentation: Provide thorough documentation of all services performed, notations and deficiencies, in written or digital formats
  • Invoicing: Multiple payment and billing options for your convenience
  • Ongoing support: 24/7 customer service and account access

Fire Extinguisher Recharge, 6-Year Maintenance & Hydro Testing

Recharge Service: This service includes refill or replacement of extinguishing agents/expellant (includes chemical agent for dry chemical extinguishers), nitrogen, tamper seals, o-rings, and recharge labor. Fire extinguishers must be recharged immediately following any use.

6-Year Maintenance Service: This service includes an internal examination and recharge of certain stored pressure-type fire extinguishers. This is required to be performed every six years from the manufacturer’s date and dates thereafter or after the extinguisher has been discharged in any way.

This includes chemical agent, nitrogen, o-rings, tamper seals, and recharge labor. We will apply an approved service decal to the cylinder which indicates the month and year of the service performed as well as NFPA 10 required verification of service collars.

Hydrostatic Test Service: We will perform a pressure test of an extinguisher cylinder to check for structural weaknesses or flaws. This service also includes an internal/external examination of the cylinder to check for excess pitting, corrosion, or other physical deformation. Testing is performed at various intervals, depending on the cylinder type.

Annual Fire Extinguisher Inspection & Maintenace

Fire extinguisher inspections are required every 12 months per NFPA 10 to assure that fire extinguishers will operate safely and effectively. Here’s what is included in our fire extinguisher inspection and maintenance:

  • Visually inspect the extinguisher
  • Weigh the extinguisher
  • Check the hydrostatic test and six-year maintenance dates
  • Visually inspect the pressure gauge
  • Remove the safety pin to check for operation
  • Replace new tamper seal (“flag seal”)
  • Check the discharge hose for continuity if applicable
  • Inspect the valve assembly
  • Clean the extinguisher
  • Review for proper placement, size, and type
  • Provide a complete and detailed report for submittal to your insurance company and/or fire department
  • Attach a new certification tag indicating the month, year, and type of service performed


If your fire extinguishers are not functioning properly, we have the expertise and ability to repair them in many cases.

If it is necessary to replace fire extinguishers, we offer a wide range of new fire extinguishers and equipment to fit the specific needs of your organization.

Fire Extinguisher Training

We also offer the following training to your staff:

  • Review of current fire evacuation procedures
  • Education of common extinguisher types
  • Training on the P.A.S.S. method (Pull, Aim, Squeeze, & Sweep)
  • Education regarding common causes of fires and different classes of fires

We provide all participants with certificates for the training provided.

Fire Extinguisher Requirements

Depending on your business type and the hazards in your workplace your requirements may change. When starting your fire extinguisher program its important to consult and review information from the following:

  • Local Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ)
  • National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
  • Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA)

What is NFPA 10?

National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) is the regulatory body that governs fire protection. NFPA 10 is the regulation specifically for fire extinguishers. In the United States, most extinguishers require monthly checks as well as annual inspections (at a minimum) however, it is important to consult with the local AHJ to determine the requirements for your businesses extinguishers.

Are My Extinguishers Compliant?

While the average extinguisher is a relatively simple device ensuring it meets NFPA 10 can be complex. Below are some of the requirements outlined in NFPA 10 you should consider when implementing a fire program. While this list represents some of the most popular requirements, it is not a complete representation of the standard. It is important to consult the standard, your service provider and most importantly your local AHJ.

  • Monthly visual inspections
  • Annual functional inspections
  • Extinguisher location
  • Signed/written documentation
  • Internal maintenance
  • Hydrostatic testing

OSHA/29 CFR 1910.157?

29 CFR 1910.157 outlines the rules and requirements for location, type, use, maintenance, and testing of portable fire extinguishers in the workplace. CFR 29 1910.151 (e. 1-2) states:

“The employer shall be responsible for the inspection, maintenance and testing of all portable fire extinguishers in the workplace."

"Portable extinguishers or hose used in lieu thereof under paragraph (d)(3) of this section shall be visually inspected monthly.”

DISCLAIMER: The content provided on this website is intended solely for informational purposes. While Thompson Safety strives to offer reliable and accurate information, we shall not be held liable for any errors or omissions in the featured content. The material presented does not constitute professional advice. Users relying on this information pertaining to our products or services are solely responsible for independently verifying the accuracy of the information from trustworthy sources, including the product manufacturer, business policy/procedures, NFPA, and their local Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). Our service offerings may vary by market, and not all services are available in all markets.

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